Eldorado & Woolshed Valley

Eldorado & the Woolshed Valley remains an authentic piece of Australian history, scattered with remnants of a bygone era on the banks of Reedy Creek. Once a bustling mining area, it now offers gold panning, beautiful scenery, and the ‘Smallest Pub in Victoria.’


Visitors can meander along creeks and falls, enjoy bushwalking, bike riding, farm gates and the many historical sites that dot the terrain


Enjoy a relaxing walk along Reedy Creek or head up to Monument Hill for views of the township, the valley, and Wangaratta far beyond. 


History buffs will love Cock’s Eldorado Dredge – one of the largest working dredges in the Southern Hemisphere until 1954.  In operation, this floating monster pulled the third-most power from the State Electrical Grid after Melbourne and Geelong, and visitors can now gain deep insights into the Dredge on the 360-degree Dredge walk.


Embark on the Woolshed Valley self-guided drive to discover stories of gold and bushrangers, including Joe Byrne and Aaron Sherritt. After growing up as kids around Chinese mining camps near Sebastopol, it was only a matter of time before these two met the Kelly Gang, when Joe became one of the main members...


While youre in Eldorado, try your hand at gold panning and gem fossicking, where you can still find smoky quartz, agates, amethysts, topaz and many more gems. Even petrified wood and broken ceramics can make for beautiful relics of Chinese miners. 


Thinking of trying your luck gold panning or prospecting? You’ll need a Miner's Right for recreational prospecting in Victoria. This can be purchased online below.


 Buy a Miner's Right